
egroupware on fedora7

eGroupWare is a groupware server. It comes with a native web-interface which allowes to access your data from any platform all over the planet. Moreover you also have the choice to access the eGroupWare server with your favorite groupware client (Kontact, Evolution, Outlook) and also with your mobile or PDA via SyncML.

eGroupWare is platform independent On the client side, all you need is a internetbrowser.

download from sftar xlvf XXXX
ln -s /usr/local/egroupware /var/www/html/egroupware
firefox http://localhost/egroupware
it should be like this below:

run installation tests ( recommended)
make sure no errors () and warnings().
it means you may install these:
then you get

Checking the eGroupWare Installation
Checking required PHP version 4.3+ (recommended 5+): 5.2.2 ==> True Checking php.ini: safe_mode = Off: ini_get('safe_mode')='' = Off Checking php.ini: magic_quotes_runtime = Off: ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime')='' = Off Checking php.ini: register_globals = Off: ini_get('register_globals')='' = Off Checking php.ini: memory_limit >= 16M: ini_get('memory_limit')='16M' Checking php.ini: max_execution_time >= 30: ini_get('max_execution_time')='30' Checking php.ini: file_uploads = On: ini_get('file_uploads')='1' = On Checking php.ini: include_path contain .: ini_get('include_path')='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/pear' Checking php.ini: mbstring.func_overload = 7: ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')='7' Checking extension mysql is loaded or loadable: True Checking extension pgsql is loaded or loadable: True Checking extension odbc is loaded or loadable: True Checking extension oci8 is loaded or loadable: False The oci extension is needed, if you plan to use a Oracle database. Checking extension mbstring is loaded or loadable: True Checking extension session is loaded or loadable: True Checking extension imap is loaded or loadable: True Checking PEAR is installed: 1.5.0 Checking PEAR::Auth_SASL is installed: 1.0.2 Checking PEAR::Net_IMAP is installed: 1.0.3 Checking PEAR::Net_Sieve is installed: 1.1.5 Checking PEAR::HTTP_WebDAV_Server is installed: 1.0.0RC4 Checking PEAR::Log is installed: 1.9.11 Checking for GD support...: True Checking file-permissions of . for not world writable: root/root drwxrwxr-x
This might take a while, please wait ... Checking if php.ini setting session.save_path='/var/lib/php/session' is writable by the webserver: root/apache drwxrwx---

Please fix the above errors () and warnings()
Click here to re-run the installation tests
or Continue to the Header Admin
i won't use oracle ,so i omit the waring.
continue to the header admin,
do some settings and passwd.
then you may get
Cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.
Instead you can or the file.
that is to say you may create header.inc.php youself.
click view you get it.
Save this text as contents of your header.inc.php in your egoupware dir.
login, you get

Click back to user login on the left
